

最近一个月一直在考虑实现一种让Android开发者一个人就能完成的推送功能库。因为现有的推送功能,全部都需要服务器端配合,不断测试,即使使用第三方库也需要很长一段时间的测试。这里就是我最近研究的一个小小的成果: http://git.oschina.net/kymjs/KJPush




Push是服务端主动发消息给客户端, 现在有很多第三方推送框架:例如百度推送、极光推送、个推等等,都是基于之前说的第二种方式也就是服务器使用Push的方式。 因为第一时间知道数据发生变化的是服务器自己,所以Push的优势是实时性高。但服务器主动推送需要单独开发一套能让客户端持久连接的服务端程序。但有些情况下并不需要服务端主动推送,而是在一定的时间间隔内客户端主动发起查询,这种时候就应该使用Pull的方式去获取。 很多人认为Push方式没有任何消耗,其实不然采用Push方式需要长时间维持一条客户端与服务器端通信的socket长连接,依旧是很费流量与电量。如果轮询策略配置的好,消耗的电与数据流量绝不比维持一个socket连接使用的多。 譬如有这样一个app,实时性要求不高,每天只要能获取10次最新数据就能满足要求了,这种情况显然轮询更适合一些,推送显得太浪费,而且更耗电。



/**  * 短信推送服务类,在后台长期运行,每个一段时间就向服务器发送一次请求  * @author jerry  */ public class PushSmsService extends Service {  @Override  public void onCreate() {   this.client = new AsyncHttpClient();   this.myThread = new MyThread();   this.myThread.start();   super.onCreate();  }  private class MyThread extends Thread {   @Override   public void run() {    String url = "你请求的网络地址";    while (flag) {     // 每个10秒向服务器发送一次请求     Thread.sleep(10000);     // 采用get方式向服务器发送请求     client.get(url, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {      @Override      public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers,        byte[] responseBody) {       try {        JSONObject result = new JSONObject(new String(          responseBody, "utf-8"));        int state = result.getInt("state");        // 假设偶数为未读消息        if (state % 2 == 0) {         String content = result.getString("content");         String date = result.getString("date");         String number = result.getString("number");         notification(content, number, date);        }       } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();       }      } } 

但是用Sleep,TimerTask,都会增大Service被系统回收的可能,更合适的方法是使用 AlarmManager 这个系统的计时器去管理。


private void startRequestAlarm() {         cancelRequestAlarm();         // 从1秒后开始,每隔2分钟执行getOperationIntent()         // 注意,这个2分钟只是正常情况下的2分钟,实际情况可能不同系统的处理策略而被延长,比如坑爹的粗粮系统上可能被延长至5分钟         mAlarmMgr.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP,                 System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000, KJPushConfig.PALPITATE_TIME,                 getOperationIntent());     }      /**      * 即使启动PendingIntent的原进程结束了的话,PendingIntent本身仍然还存在,可在其他进程(      * PendingIntent被递交到的其他程序)中继续使用.      * 如果我在从系统中提取一个PendingIntent的,而系统中有一个和你描述的PendingIntent对等的PendingInent,      * 那么系统会直接返回和该PendingIntent其实是同一token的PendingIntent,      * 而不是一个新的token和PendingIntent。然而你在从提取PendingIntent时,通过FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT参数,      * 让这个老PendingIntent的先cancel()掉,这样得到的pendingInten和其token的就是新的了。      */     private void cancelRequestAlarm() {         mAlarmMgr.cancel(getOperationIntent());     }      /**      * 采用轮询方式实现消息推送<br>      * 每次被调用都去执行一次{@link #PushReceiver}onReceive()方法      *       * @return      */     private PendingIntent getOperationIntent() {         Intent intent = new Intent(this, PushReceiver.class);         intent.setAction(KJPushConfig.ACTION_PULL_ALARM);         PendingIntent operation = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, intent,                 PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);         return operation;     }








在Android的ActivityManager中有一个内部类 RunningAppProcessInfo,用来记录当前系统中进程的状态,如下是其中的一些值:

       /**          * Constant for {@link #importance}: this is a persistent process.          * Only used when reporting to process observers.          * @hide          */         public static final int IMPORTANCE_PERSISTENT = 50;          /**          * Constant for {@link #importance}: this process is running the          * foreground UI.          */         public static final int IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND = 100;                  /**          * Constant for {@link #importance}: this process is running something          * that is actively visible to the user, though not in the immediate          * foreground.          */         public static final int IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE = 200;                  /**          * Constant for {@link #importance}: this process is running something          * that is considered to be actively perceptible to the user.  An          * example would be an application performing background music playback.          */         public static final int IMPORTANCE_PERCEPTIBLE = 130;                  /**          * Constant for {@link #importance}: this process is running an          * application that can not save its state, and thus can't be killed          * while in the background.          * @hide          */         public static final int IMPORTANCE_CANT_SAVE_STATE = 170;                  /**          * Constant for {@link #importance}: this process is contains services          * that should remain running.          */         public static final int IMPORTANCE_SERVICE = 300;                  /**          * Constant for {@link #importance}: this process process contains          * background code that is expendable.          */         public static final int IMPORTANCE_BACKGROUND = 400;                  /**          * Constant for {@link #importance}: this process is empty of any          * actively running code.          */         public static final int IMPORTANCE_EMPTY = 500;



第三方清理软件清理的一般是大于IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE的值,所以要想不被杀死就需要将自己的进程降低到 IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE 以下,也就是可见进程的程度。在每一个Service中有一个方法叫startForeground,也就是以可见进程的模式启动,这里是在SDK源码中的实现与注释,可以看到,它会在通知栏持续显示一个通知,但只需要将id传为0即可避免通知的显示。当然要取消这种可见进程等级的设置只需要调用stopForgeround即可。

/**  * Make this service run in the foreground, supplying the ongoing  * notification to be shown to the user while in this state.  * By default services are background, meaning that if the system needs to  * kill them to reclaim more memory (such as to display a large page in a  * web browser), they can be killed without too much harm.  You can set this  * flag if killing your service would be disruptive to the user, such as  * if your service is performing background music playback, so the user  * would notice if their music stopped playing.  */     public final void startForeground(int id, Notification notification) {     try {     mActivityManager.setServiceForeground(     new ComponentName(this, mClassName), mToken, id,     notification, true);     } catch (RemoteException ex) {     }     } 

