Wicket 7.0.0-M6 发布,值得关注的改进如下:
- 新在线图像支持新数据:协议
- 添加 CSRF 预防措施
- JQuery 升级至最新版本
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId> <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId> <version>7.0.0-M6</version> </dependency>
* Source: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/7.0.0-M6
* Binary: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/7.0.0-M6/binaries
** Bug 修复
* [WICKET-5790] - VariableInterpolator & #getThrowExceptionOnMissingResource
* [WICKET-5814] - CryptoMapper clears feedback messages
* [WICKET-5816] - Apps can't use Application.setName instead of
WicketFilter for e.g. JMX names
* [WICKET-5822] - AjaxSelfUpdatingTimer stops working after ajax download
* [WICKET-5825] - Deployment of wicket-examples.war fails in Tomcat
* [WICKET-5828] - PageProvider not serializable
* [WICKET-5834] - NPE in DefaultPropertyResolver
* [WICKET-5835] - InlineEnclosure doesn't call child.configure()
before updating its visilbity
* [WICKET-5837] - JUnit tests may fail because of
* [WICKET-5838] - Last-modified header of external markup is ignored
* [WICKET-5841] - continueToOriginalDestination() discards new cookies
* [WICKET-5843] - CryptoMapper doesn't work with context relative
* [WICKET-5845] - AuthenticatedWebSession.get() returns a new
session with signedIn false
* [WICKET-5850] - LazyInitProxyFactory causes NoClassDefFound
org/apache/wicket/proxy/ILazyInitProxy in case of multimodule
* [WICKET-5851] - PackageResourceTest#packageResourceGuard test
fails under Windows
* [WICKET-5853] - LongConverter converts some values greater than
* [WICKET-5855] - RememberMe functionality seems to be broken
after the change of the default crypt factory
* [WICKET-5856] - StackOverFlowError when working with transparent
* [WICKET-5857] - PagingNavigator invalid HTML (rel attribute on span tag)
* [WICKET-5858] - AjaxRequestTarget.focusComponent does not work
in modal window
* [WICKET-5861] - BigDecimalConverter does not allow parsing of
values great than Double.MAX_VALUE
* [WICKET-5862] - Wicket Container visibility bug
* [WICKET-5864] - Multipart Ajax form submit does not release the
channel in case of connection failure
* [WICKET-5869] - Kittencaptcha doesn't calculate click
y-coordinate correctly
* [WICKET-5870] - wicket-event-jquery.js: Wicket.Browser.isIE11()
does not return boolean
* [WICKET-5874] - WicketTester TagTester does not work as expected
when using non self closing tags
* [WICKET-5879] - Using an AjaxSubmitLink to hide its form results
in an exception
* [WICKET-5881] - NPE in FormComponent#updateCollectionModel in
case of no converted input and unmodifiable collection
* [WICKET-5883] - Feedback messages not cleared for
invisible/disabled form components on submit.
* [WICKET-5887] - wicket.xsd refers to non-existing xhtml.label:attlist
* [WICKET-5891] - Parsing of ChinUnionPay credit card should use
the first 6 characters
* [WICKET-5893] - CookieUtils should use the original response
when saving a cookie
* [WICKET-5895] - validateHeaders fails to detect missing
head/body (regression)
* [WICKET-5898] - StackOverflowError after form submit with a
validation error
* [WICKET-5900] - Add WicketTester support for IAjaxLink
* [WICKET-5903] - Regression in mount resolution when using
optional parameters
* [WICKET-5904] - NPE after editing a markup file in debug mode
* [WICKET-5906] - Use default on missing resource does not work
* [WICKET-5908] - A new HtmlHeaderContainer is added each time a
page instance is rendered
* [WICKET-5910] - CGLib proxy should not intercept protected methods
* [WICKET-5911] - Re-rendering page after exception in render
phase does not call onBeforeRender()
* [WICKET-5912] - NPE in Page#hasInvisibleTransparentChild
* [WICKET-5915] - The application can not find
/META-INF/wicket/**.properties on Windows systems
* [WICKET-5916] - StackOverflowError when calling getObject() from
load() in LDM
* [WICKET-5917] - Do not use jQuery's $ in String snippets in Java code
** 改进
* [WICKET-5314] - AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior does not support AjaxChannels
* [WICKET-5749] - Wicket-auth-roles should deal with resource authorization
* [WICKET-5789] - Make
publicly visible
* [WICKET-5801] - Responsive Images
* [WICKET-5823] - DefaultAuthenticationStrategy should be modified
to reduce copy/paste while extending it's functionality
* [WICKET-5829] - rename PageSettings#recreateMountedPagesAfterExpiry
* [WICKET-5831] - Improve unsafe Id reporting in the AbstractRepeater
* [WICKET-5832] - Do not fail at CDI's ConversationPropagator when
running in non-http thread
* [WICKET-5833] - Add a way to get all opened web socket
connections per user session
* [WICKET-5840] - WicketTester doesn't support #clickLink() for
ExternalLink component
* [WICKET-5859] - Add Hebrew and Arabic translations
* [WICKET-5860] - Cross-Site Websocket Hijacking protection
* [WICKET-5863] - Overiding disableCaching in ServletWebResponse
is ignored when responce is buffered
* [WICKET-5865] - AjaxEditableLabel should implement IGenericComponent
* [WICKET-5872] - wicket extensions initializer.properties for
greek language
* [WICKET-5875] - ComponentRenderer.renderComponent() unexpectedly
produces a WicketRuntimeException when called with a nested Component
which contains a nested wicket:message
* [WICKET-5889] - Ability to not submit a nested form
* [WICKET-5892] - add ClientProperties#isJavaScriptEnabled()
* [WICKET-5894] - Support *.woff2 webfonts in
SecurePackageResourceGuard as well
* [WICKET-5901] - Leaving veil when ajax processing ends with redirect
* [WICKET-5905] - allow listening to Ajax calls before scheduling
* [WICKET-5921] - Provide a default implementation of
IModelComparator that always returns false
** 新特性
* [WICKET-5819] - Support for HTML 5 media tags (audio / video)
* [WICKET-5827] - Allow to apply multiple Javascript / CSS compressors
* [WICKET-5897] - Use the #isEnabled() method with validators
* [WICKET-5918] - Create an Image component that uses the new
data: protocol (an InlineImage)
* [WICKET-5919] - Add support for CSRF prevention
** 任务
* [WICKET-5896] - Upgrade jQuery to latest stable versions (1.11.4 & 2.1.3)
** Wish
* [WICKET-5848] - Remove .settings folders of projects
更多内容请看 发行说明 。
Wicket是一个Java 语言的Web开发框架,与Struts,WebWork,Tapestry 相类似。其特点在于对Html和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了XML 等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开发方式与C/S相似),更加易于调试(错误类型比较少,而且容易定位)。