【编者按】 DockerCon 2015的召开吸引了全世界Docker爱好者的目光,当然,国内Docker创业者也没闲着,就在DockerCon召开之际, 一站式容器管理平台cSphere发布了英文版本,本文是该版本功能的详细介绍。
【编者按】 DockerCon 2015的召开吸引了全世界Docker爱好者的目光,当然,国内Docker创业者也没闲着,就在DockerCon召开之际, 一站式容器管理平台cSphere发布了英文版本,本文是该版本功能的详细介绍。
You can list all containers in all hosts, and search/filter some container quickly.
You can find various info you care about, such as where container run, which image it run from, how long it has run since created.
You can get real time monitor data and alarm status.
You can start, stop, pause, unpause and delete batch of containers.
You can also inspect some container to get more information such as mount point, network, environments.
You can also get real time diagram of container performance and get alarm histories.
You can log into container by web terminal without ssh.
cSphere has two roles, controller and agent. Agent is responsible for collecting data, communicating with controller and executing instructions from controller.
You can run agent in every docker host by clicking “Add Host” button, execute script in shell, then host will join in cSphere cluster.
cSphere also supply realtime monitor data collection, and can set alarm policy for hosts.
You can also know which containers run in this host, and which images are located in it, even if you can inspect some image deeply.
cSphere support official DockerHub and private registry(v1 and v2) management, and you can deploy a new registry directly.
You can collaborate cSphere with Git server and Jenkins through web hook and triggers. Image will be built automatically when codes push to Github, and trigger a post url after images pushed to this registry.
You can set alarm policies for containers and hosts(especially container crash metrics is very valuable), and add recipients. You can get email notifications when some metrics is alarmed.
Most of APIs are compatible or similar with docker remote api / registry api. You can implement your function when needed.
cSphere support whole management for docker, you can try it freely.