
Vue.js 0.12.5 发布,轻量级 JavaScript 库

7月18日杭州 OSC 源创会正在报名,送机械键盘和开源无码内裤 Vue.js 0.12.5 发布,轻量级 JavaScript 库

Vue.js 0.12.5 发布,更新内容如下:


  • Transcluded components are now considered children of their host component.

  • props now have an alternative syntax that is more inline with other options' key-value based style:

    props: {  'prop-a': String, // type check constructor   'prop-b': null, // accept any type   'prop-c': { // object descriptor     type: Number,     required: true,    default: 100 // new: default value   } }
  • props option objects can now also specify a default value, as seen in the above example.

  • Improved Boolean props handling:

    When a prop has explicit Boolean type specified

  • Improved watch option syntax. You can now use an Object to provide additional options to a watcher:

    watch: {   someValue: {    handler: function () { /*...*/ }, // or use a method name string     deep: true,     immediate: true   } }

Bugs 修复

  • Fixed cases where templates that contain only <content> , <component> , <partial> or a single component are ignored silently. The first three cases will now turn the instance into a fragment instance and render correctly; the last case will result in a warning.

  • Fixed the issue where a parent's registered partials are not available to its children.

  • #985 v-ref not cleared properly when a static component is torn down.

  • #987 v-if not working on element directives

  • #990 array.$remove() not returning the removed element

下载: https://github.com/yyx990803/vue/archive/0.12.5.zip 。

Vue.js 是构建 Web 界面的 JavaScript 库,提供数据驱动的组件,还有简单灵活的 API,使得 MVVM 更简单。

支持的浏览器: https://saucelabs.com/u/vuejs

Vue.js 0.12.5 发布,轻量级 JavaScript 库
