
Swf Decrypt详解

攻击在持续,攻击的技术在演进。防御者需要持续的跟进研究和投入。最近Flash 0day频繁出现,将我们更多的目光集中到flash上。



恶意的SWF常常通过doswf加密和secure swf混淆,真正利用的部分被加密、混淆,通过研究doswf的加密方式以及secureswf的混淆方式,可以直接通过静态的方法进行相应的解密和反混淆,直接检测最核心的恶意代码部分,有效提升引擎检测率。(用户可使用文件B超系统 http://b-chao.com 和云盾-星云APT检测产品享受到我们的技术成果)




Crypt Flow


Swf Decrypt详解


Swf Decrypt详解




Swf Decrypt详解


Swf Decrypt详解



Swf Decrypt详解


Swf Decrypt详解

Decrypt Code


/*  * Decoder for DoSWF.  * This extracts the DefineBinary tag from argv[1] to argv[2]. To un-zlib that using python:  *  * python -u -c /  *   "import sys, zlib; sys.stdout.write(zlib.decompress(sys.stdin.read()))" /  *   < definebinary.z > definebinary.txt  *  * Then trim off the first 6 bytes to get to the SWF header.  */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <byteswap.h> #include <zlib.h> #pragma warning(disable:4996) #ifdef _DEBUG #define DBGBREAK() __debugbreak() #else #define DBGBREAK() #endif #define LOG(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) //#define DIE(...) (LOG(__VA_ARGS__), DBGBREAK(), exit(1), 0) #define DIE(...) (LOG(__VA_ARGS__), exit(1),1) typedef unsigned char byte; void decompress_string(byte* data, int length, byte *out, int *outlength, int avaout); void handle_DefineBinary(FILE *fi, FILE *fo, int taglen, byte *buffer) {   LOG("* dumping DefineBinary section/n");   byte *end = buffer + taglen;   byte *ptr = buffer, *old;   #define GET(type) ( /       ((ptr+sizeof(type) >= end) ? DIE("eof/n") : 0), /       old = ptr, /       ptr += sizeof(type), /       *(type *)old)   short tag = GET(short);   int reserved = GET(int);   LOG("2* dumping DefineBinary section,tag=%u,reserved=%d/n", tag, reserved);   byte block_size = GET(byte) - 1;   byte key = GET(byte) - 1;   int offset = __bswap_32 (GET(int)) - 2;   int length = __bswap_32 (GET(int)) - 2;   byte *data = buffer+taglen-length;   LOG("3* dumping DefineBinary section, block_size=%d,offset=%d,data[0]=%x/n", block_size, offset,data[0]);   for (int count = 0; count < length;) {     for (int i = 0; i < block_size; i += 5) {       data[count] = data[count] ^ key;       ++count;       if (count >= length)         break;     }     count = count + offset;   }   LOG("4* dumping DefineBinary section/n");   //fwrite(data, 1, length, fo);   LOG("5* dumping DefineBinary section/n");   int outl = length*5;   byte *outd = new byte[outl];   decompress_string(data, length, outd, &outl, outl);   fwrite(outd, 1, outl, fo); } void decompress_string(byte* data, int length, byte *out, int *outlength, int avaout) {   z_stream zs;    // z_stream is zlib's control structure   memset(&zs, 0, sizeof(zs));   if (inflateInit(&zs) != Z_OK)     LOG("init error!/n");   zs.next_in = data;   zs.avail_in = length;   int ret;   zs.next_out = out;   zs.avail_out = avaout;   ret = inflate(&zs, 0);   inflateEnd(&zs);   if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) {          // an error occurred that was not EOF     LOG("inflate end error,ret=%d!/n", ret);   }   *outlength = zs.total_out;   return; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   if (argc != 3)     DIE("syntax: UndoSWF <input.swf> <output.as>/n");   FILE *fi = fopen(argv[1], "rb");   if (!fi)     DIE("can't open %s/n", argv[1]);   FILE *fo = fopen(argv[2], "wb");   if (!fo)     DIE("can't create %s/n", argv[2]);   char header[9];   if (fread(header, 1, 9, fi) != 9)     DIE("can't read header/n");   if (memcmp(header, "FWS", 3))     DIE("invalid header/n");   int rectbits = header[8] >> 3;   int hdrbits = 8*8 + 5+rectbits*4;   int hdrbytes = (hdrbits+7)/8 + 4;   LOG("header size: %d/n", hdrbytes);   if (fseek(fi, hdrbytes-9, SEEK_CUR) < 0)     DIE("can't skip %d bytes/n", hdrbytes-9);   for (;;) {     unsigned short hdr;     if (fread(&hdr, 1, 2, fi) != 2)       DIE("can't read tag hdr/n");     if (hdr == 0) break;     int taglen  = hdr & 0x3f;     int tagtype = hdr >> 6;     bool longtag = taglen == 0x3f;     if (longtag) {       if (fread(&taglen, 1, 4, fi) != 4)         DIE("can't read tag len/n");     }     LOG("tag type=0x%02x len=0x%x %s/n", tagtype, taglen, longtag ? "long" : "short");     byte *buffer = new byte[taglen];     if (fread(buffer, 1, taglen, fi) != taglen)       DIE("can't read tag data/n");     if (tagtype == 0x57) handle_DefineBinary(fi, fo, taglen, buffer);     delete buffer;   }   fclose(fi);   fclose(fo);   return 0; } 

测试的样本由MD5: 2b98d285c8b581855d59ac368956ee78 解压之后的样本。


Secureswf加密软件,号称break掉所有的flash反编译软件,支持对资源加密、 支持对as code级别做混淆,通过添加各种jump 、反复跳转指令、垃圾指令填充 阻止反编译软件反编译 增加分析人员分析出具体的actionscript原理难度。

之前拿到CVE-2015-3105 样本就是用secure swf混淆过的,刚好可以分析下

MD5: 58d1022923950ad1452c72f46b1ee3d0。

DUS function


Swf Decrypt详解

对应的abc code:

code getlocal_0 pushscope pushbyte 0 newfunction 30 pop jump ofs0017 convert_i declocal 4 urshift rshift declocal_i 2 declocal 2 astypelate newactivation increment ofs0017:getlocal 4 iffalse ofs0025 decrement_i increment_i increment_i increment_i pushbyte 7 multiply_i decrement_i ofs0025:setlocal_3 getlocal 5 iftrue ofs0065 getlocal_1 getlocal 5 iftrue ofs00ac pushbyte 4 getlocal 5 iffalse ofs005a increment_i pushbyte 52 subtract_i pushbyte 114 add_i pushbyte 49 jump ofs0055 nextvalue setlocal_2 setlocal_3 kill 3 declocal 4 setlocal 4 declocal 4 getlocal_3 istypelate ofs0055:add_i decrement_i pushbyte 15 subtract_i ofs005a:modulo getlocal 4 iftrue ofs00ab iffalse ofs0065 ofs0065:getlocal_1 getlocal 4 iftrue ofs00ac getlex Qname(PrivateNamespace("dphgjxukp"),"var_5") pushbyte 8 getlocal 4 iffalse ofs0092 pushbyte 39 multiply_i jump ofs008b inclocal 2 inclocal_i 2 declocal 3 getlocal_3 declocal_i 2 convert_i multiply_i inclocal_i 4 increment_i ofs008b:negate_i negate_i pushbyte 115 subtract_i increment_i decrement_i ofs0092:add subtract getlocal 5 not iffalse ofs00ab pushbyte 4 getlocal 4 iffalse ofs00aa increment_i pushbyte 35 multiply_i pushbyte 29 subtract_i ofs00aa:divide ofs00ab:convert_u ofs00ac:setlocal_3 getlocal 4 iftrue ofs00b9 getlex Qname(PrivateNamespace("dphgjxukp"),"var_1") getlocal_3 getlocal_2 setproperty MultinameL([PrivateNamespace("dphgjxukp"),ProtectedNamespace("dphgjxukp"),StaticProtectedNs("dphgjxukp"),StaticProtectedNs("flash.display:Sprite"),StaticProtectedNs("flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer"),StaticProtectedNs("flash.display:InteractiveObject"),StaticProtectedNs("flash.display:DisplayObject"),StaticProtectedNs("flash.events:EventDispatcher"),StaticProtectedNs("Object"),PackageNamespace("flash.display"),PackageNamespace("flash.text"),PackageNamespace("flash.utils"),PackageNamespace("flash.net"),PackageNamespace("flash.system"),PackageNamespace(""),PackageInternalNs(""),PrivateNamespace("FilePrivateNS:dphgjxukp"),Namespace("http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin")]) ofs00b9:returnvoid returnvoid

Type1 jump

getlocal_0 pushscope pushbyte 0 newfunction 30 pop jump ofs0017 convert_i declocal 4 urshift rshift declocal_i 2 declocal 2 astypelate newactivation increment ofs0017:getlocal 4

jump之间都是垃圾指令 可以直接改成

getlocal_0 pushscope pushbyte 0 newfunction 30 pop getlocal 4


Type2 getlocal n

混淆指令里面充斥着getlocal n指令 获取寄存器的value 并PUSH STACK,紧接着跟着判断,如:

getlocal 4                               // reg4.value push stack  iffalse ofs0013                       // pop reg4.value judge this value if is false   pushbyte 0 newfunction 30 pop getlocal 4 iffalse ofs0013 increment_i increment_i pushbyte 7 multiply_i decrement_i ofs0013:setlocal_3

local4 初始化值应该为0 ,则可以直接简化成

pushbyte 0 newfunction 30 pop setlocal_3


getlocal 5 iftrue ofs0053

local5 为0,则不会跳转,直接简化这两条指令。

所以没有经过setlocal n的n对应的getlocal n获取的值应该都是0,带着这样的设定来精简指令就很容易了。

getlocal 13 not iffalse ofs00d9 //条件不成立  直接去掉这样的三条指令   getlocal 13 iftrue ofs00ed //条件不成立 直接去掉这样的2条指令   getlocal 12 iffalse ofs0159//条件成立 直接去掉当前2条指令到ofs0159 直接的所有指令(中间代码没有其他地方跳转过来)

Type3 garbage ins

getlocal_1 pushbyte 4 modulo iffalse ofs0053 ofs0053:   local1 为0,modulo之后 0/4 为0 ,push stack,iffalse pop stack,条件成立,无意义片段。   还有一些: decrement_i increment_i

decrypt dus function

Swf Decrypt详解

Rxgpittdkc function

在以这个函数为例,按照上面的步骤,先去除jump 垃圾指令,在去除getloca n之类的垃圾指令:

Swf Decrypt详解

Dphgjxukp function

Type4 kill ins

getlocal_1 // reg1.value push stack getlocal_0 // reg0.value push stack getlocal_2 // reg2.value push stack kill 1     //kill reg1.value kill 0     //kill reg0.value kill 2     //kill reg2.value setlocal_2 //pop stack,set value to reg2.value setlocal_0 //pop stack,set value to reg0.value setlocal_1 //pop stack,set value to reg1.value


Type5 as function flow change

Secure Swf会对简单的as 函数调用从abc 层面流程进行混乱。比如这个dphgjxukp 函数 还原之后真正的代码如下:





Swf Decrypt详解

可以看到jpexs对这样的反编译是混乱的,可以把相应的跳转换成jump。比如getlocal_2 iffalse 换成jump ofs0044 ,以此类似,最终得到的反编译结果。

Swf Decrypt详解

可以看到这个swf混淆的还是很容易解密出来的,更多的人工体力活可以通过编写自动化的脚本来实现。(有钱的主可以购买avs actionscript view的149USD的插件 直接反编译secureswf)。

*作者:云柠(Joy) & 入侵(Instruder)@阿里基础安全威胁情报中心,转载须注明来自FreeBuf黑客与极客(FreeBuf.COM)
